Thursday, September 18, 2008


I have yet to tell you about my classes and academics, so here it goes:

8:30-9:50 European Business Strategy
1:15-2:35 Danish Language & Culture
2:50-4:10 Creative Industries: Business, Innovation, Politics & Culture

11:40-1:00 Russia: Past & Present
2:50-5:45 International Financial Management

Field Study (Visits to local companies, institutions, culture etc...)

8:30-9:50 European Business Strategy
1:15-2:35 Danish Language & Culture
2:50-4:10 Creative Industries: Business, Innovation, Politics & Culture

Friday: No Class

That is my typical week, the only difference between my classes here and my classes back home at Cal Poly is the amount of reading that we have here; it is probably 3x as much reading as Cal Poly. Also, most classes here only have a midterm, a final and a paper or two.

The Wednesday field studies have been very interesting so far. For instance, just yesterday we went to Tivoli for my Creative Industries class because we are studying the "Experience Economy," so DIS bought us all passes to the theme park and called it a field study.

I will try to take some pictures of where I go to class next week. The school is located in the heart of downtown Copenhagen, which is nice because it is only a 10 minute bike ride to class for me.

I leave for the island of Bornholm tomorrow (Friday) evening at 9pm. We are taking an overnight ferry to the island. Then we will have all day Saturday and Sunday to explore the island. We then take a night ferry back to Copenhagen on Sunday and we will arrive back in town at 7am Monday morning. Hopefully the weather will be nice for us this weekend!

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