Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Brandon Takes on Denmark

So this past Thursday as I was unwinding in my room after class, I got a skype call from my good friend Brandon from Cal Poly (he is currently studying down in Barcelona, Spain). Any-who, so Brandon's first words to me were, "dude I'm flying up to Copenhagen for the weekend!" I didn't believe him at first, but as soon as he emailed me his itinerary I knew he was coming. Alex (my roommate from Cal Poly, who is also studying here in Copenhagen at Copenhagen Business School) and I met Brandon at the airport on Friday at 13:30. Unfortunately Alex could only hang out with us for about 1 hour because he had to leave on the flight to Germany for the weekend.

After taking the metro back to my flat and grabbing a quick bite to eat, I took Brandon on a walking tour of Copenhagen. We explored the streets of downtown Copenhagen, took a canal tour, and even rode some unique bikes at a small downtown festival.

Alex and Brandon at the airport

Right before the canal tour

Canal Tour (Tight Squeeze!)

The new Opera House

Bike racing downtown

After a long day of being tourists, we went out to a local club called Vega just down the street from where I live.




Saturday was a busy day too! We began the day by touring the Carlsberg Brewery, which is located in Copenhagen. The tour was pretty cool and we each got a few free samples! After the brewery tour we headed back downtown to check out Tivoli, which is an old amusement park that inspired Walt Disney to build Disneyland. The park was very cool! After Tivoli, Brandon and I went out to dinner at a great sushi restaurant called Sushi & Sticks.

Sunday was filled with a visit to Fredericksberg Park, the zoo and a small town in Copenhagen called Cristiania (where my cellphone was stolen!). Then we took the metro back to the airport, and Brandon's flight left at 17:30 for Barcelona. It was great having Brandon in town for the weekend, as we did a lot of sightseeing that I had yet to do!

Carlsberg Brewery

Entrance to the tour


One of the famous rides at Tivoli (pretty scary!)

Great views of the city

Brandon became a member of the Tivoli Marching Band

Sushi & Sticks: Sake Bombs!

Fredricksberg park

Outside of the zoo- looking in at the elephants!

Tomorrow (Thursday) I leave for Western Denmark on a short study tour with my International Business Program, specifically to Ringkobing and Skanderborg. In Ringkobing we will be visiting the Silkeborg Art Museum and Jyske Bank. Then in Skanderborg we will be visiting Vestas Wind Systems and dipping our toes in the North Sea! I will be back Saturday evening.

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