Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mind The Gap! - London & Brussels Long Study Tour

Wow! Where to begin?? I arrived home today (Sunday November 2nd) from my 3-week study break! I have never traveled to sooooo many different places in such a short period of time! I think the best way to update my blog will be to create different posts for each of the 3 weeks of break. So, I will begin with week one (October 12 - 18) which was my International Business & Economics Long Study Tour to London and Brussels with my European Business Strategy Core Class:
Blue Point: Copenhagen Red Line: Plane
Green Point: London Yellow Line: Bus
Yellow Point: Brussels Purple Line: Train

Sunday October 12, 2008:

14:45 - We took off from Copenhagen International en route to Nottingham (East Midlands) by Sterling Air flight NB583. About one hour into the flight the plane suddenly rolled to the left and lost about 200 feet in altitude within a few seconds! My friend Joe, looked out the window at this moment and saw another commercial airliner within 100 yards of our plane! The captain came onto the PA and apologized, but this little incident made me very nervous for the remainder of the flight -- lets just say I was glad when we landed in the UK! (Also, just a few days ago Sterling Air went bankrupt!) After going through customs, we took a 2.5 hour bus ride into the city and checked into our hotel (the Royal National Hotel). We then went out for a group dinner at a local Italian restaurant and the rest of the evening was spent exploring the SOHO district of London with a friend from home, Emily.

Some first impressions of London: (1) They drive on the wrong side of the road! (I almost got hit by 3 or 4 cars before I finally figured this out), (2) the city has many of the major chains from the US - Starbucks, Subway, McDonalds etc... (3) The Tube is so easy to use and maneuver the city! If only Los Angeles had a Tube...

Monday October 13, 2008:

9:45 - Our first business visit of the trip was to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development or EBRD. This bank uses tools of investment to help build market economies and democracies in 27 different countries currently, from central Europe to central Asia. This was a very interesting visit as their head economist spoke to us about the strategic direction of the bank and future challenges. The presentation was in the main conference room, which was on the 15th floor and overlooked much of downtown London. It was cool sitting where the representatives of the 27 countries get to sit!


The Main Conference Room!


12:00 - We walked from the EBRD to Brick Lane, where we were given money to eat lunch at one of the many curry restaurants that line the street. I choose to eat at the Aladin Curry restaurant, which ended up being very tasty!

Brick Lane

14:00 - After lunch we were given a guided tour of London's East End, which has seen tremendous change over time. It used to be the poorest district in London, however today this area is becoming very trendy as artists, designers and city folk are snatching up the traditional 17C and 18C houses.

Historical Building in London's East End

A bar that "Jack the Ripper" frequented often

15:30 - After the walking tour, we were given free time to explore the city on our own. We first stopped at the egg-shaped building called the Gherkin. The building is 40 stories tall and has a restaurant on the top floor. The building was designed to be environmentally friendly and the shape of the building is used to facilitate ventilation.

The Gherkin

The next stop was BIG BEN. 

Big Ben

Then we crossed the Thames and went to the London Eye. The views were absolutely spectacular from the capsules on the Eye. From start to finish, one revolution takes approximately 30 minutes, which gave us plenty of time to take in the sights on London. On a clear day they say you can see for 25 miles in any direction! Unfortunately for us it was slightly overcast, but the views were truly breathtaking!

Me in from the of the London Eye

Overlooking London

Buckingham Palace!


20:00 - After a long day of sightseeing and being tourists, we all met at the Palace Theater for the play Spamalot -- which is a play ripped off from the hit movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The play was very funny and I would definitely recommend it to anyone.

Outside the Theater

Tuesday October 14, 2008:

09:30 - We were supposed to have an academic visit to in combination with Clownfish Marketing, however the previous day, the company went bankrupt due to the financial crisis! Apparently one of their major financial supporters backed out at the last minute, so the company had to fold (an example of how the financial crisis is happening outside of the US as well!).

So, we had the morning free to explore the city and do more sightseeing. A group of us decided to visit the Tower of London. The coolest part of the tower of London, was seeing the Crown Jewels!

The Tower of London

The Armory

Inside the Armory

1 of the many Ravens

We saw this sign in the Tube:
what is the other 28%??

14:30 - We all meet at the St. James Park Tube stop for our academic meeting with Transport for London -- which is the local government body responsible for most aspects of the transport system in Greater London in England (i.e. the Tube, London Rail, Buses, street traffic, congestion charge, light rail etc...) The meeting was great, one of the major topics addressed at the Transport for London was the Oyster Card, which is their form of electronic ticketing that uses RFID technology instead of the traditional paper ticket.

After the meeting we went out to a great restaurant called Brown's Restaurant and Bar and on the way I got my photo taken in a red phone booth -- call it cliche, but I had to do it!

Phone Booth

Wednesday October 15, 2008:

09:00 - We did not have any business visits, instead we visited the Tate Modern Gallery in London, which is the the national gallery of international modern art, it is one of the family of four Tate galleries. The gallery was very cool, my only complaint was that we did not have enough time to fully explore the gallery.

Outside of the Tate Modern

The entrance to the gallery

Famous spider exhibit

14:34 - Our time in London was over and we all boarded the Eurostar train #9138 and headed under the English Channel (the Chunnel) on our way to Brussels, Belgium.

Eurostar Train: London - Brussels

17:33 - Arrival in Brussels. It was raining when we arrived, so I got a bad first impression of the city right off the bat, but that soon disappeared when we explored the city and had a great French dinner.

Main Square

Thursday October 16, 2008:

10:00 - Our first academic visit in Brussels was to Belgacom -- a telecommunications company with internet, tv, mobile and fixed telephone networks. This presentation was very interesting, we learned about the convergence of the telecommunications industry in Europe.

Belgacom Building

15:00 - We walked to EU Parliament and got a behind the scenes tour of Parliment! This building was very cool and we had a great tour guide who knew just about everyone in Parliament. The highlight of the tour was when we ran into the EU President Hans-Gert Pottering (the equivalent of Nancy Pelosi in the United States) who is from Germany 
and spoke to us for 10-15 minutes. 

Outside Parliament

Inside -- Where decisions are made

Yours Truly pretending to give a speech

The man himself: Hans-Gert Pottering

Friday October 17, 2008:

09:30 - Our final academic visit of the study tour was to the Brewers of Europe -- the voice of the European brewing sector to the European institutions and international organizations - essentially a special interest lobbyist group. They gave us a great presentation, followed by sampling of Belgium Beer!

Brewers of Europe

We then had our final group lunch and wrap-up session followed by a visit to Planet Chocolate, where they showed us how chocolate is made and treated us to free samples!

Planete Chocolate

Being shown how Chocolate is made

Favorite 3 Things about Belgium:
* Belgium Chocolate
* Belgium Beer
* Belgium Waffles

21:00 - Our bus departed Brussels for a 12-HOUR long bus ride back to Copenhagen. Needless to say I did not get as much sleep as I had hoped for on the bus. We arrived back in Copenhagen around 9 am on Saturday October 18th. That gave me about 24 hours to rest, do laundry, pack, and eat before leaving for Russia on SUNDAY!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Field Studies and Danish Family

Since returning to Copenhagen from Germany I have been swamped with midterms, field studies, projects, and case studies. At DIS they incorporate classroom learning with out-of-class 'field studies.' I'm taking a course called Creative Industries- which looks into Business, Innovation, Politics & Culture (hands down my most interesting and favorite class). The professor is very connected in the creative industries as he has been with Roskilde Festival (large European Music festival) since 1994, the Senior Consultant in Ramboll Management's Centre for Experience Economy and with VEGA House of Music since 2001. Which leads me to the field study we had this past Thursday October 2nd at VEGA House of Music. Since Rasmus (our professor) is on the board of directors, he got us all into the Concert Hall/Night Club because we are studying the experience economy. That night at VEGA, a band from Belgium,Deus, was performing in VEGA's large concert hall. We arrived early and got a behind the scenes tour of the concert hall/night club and had a presentation by their marketing manager about their current strategy (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats). I definitely learned a lot about how the night club/concert business works. After the presentation we were escorted into the concert and got to 'experience' a Belgium rock band. It wasn't my type of music, but I still had a great time, as did the whole class. To make the evening even better, DIS bought us drinks in order for us to truly 'experience' VEGA house of music.
Vega: Belgium Band Deus

Vega: Balcony - notice the nice Mahogany

This past Sunday, I spent the whole day with my Danish Family. Their names are Jette, Steen, Christoffer and Rebecca. They live about 20 minutes north of the city in a small suburb of Copenhagen. This was my fourth meeting with the family. This past Sunday we had traditional Danish open-faced sandwiches for lunch at their house. We then went to Steen's handball match (see pictures) after lunch and cheered him on (his team won!). We were going to do some sight-seeing but unfortunately it was raining cats and dogs! So, we headed back to their house and watched a few episodes of Friends (this family loves Friends! - I think that the children have watched all 10 seasons about 5 or 6 times!). After watching Friends, the sun came out and Christoffer and Rebecca taught me how to do a front-flip on their trampoline. After jumping around we headed in for a fantastic roast dinner! Having this family to hangout with and learn Danish culture from has truly been essential to my time spent here in Copenhagen.

Steen's Handball Match

Steen's Handball Match

I had another field study yesterday (Wednesday) for my International Finance class. We visited the Danish National Bank for a presentation on Danish Monetary Policy and how they are dealing with their very own 'Mortgage Crisis'. It was great getting first hand information from a central banker and we were even allowed to pick up a real gold bar!

Outside of the bank (beautiful granite)

Inside (so sexy)

Well, I just finished my last midterm today (Thursday 10/9) and I leave for London/Brussels on Sunday. London/Brussels is a week-long study tour with my European Business Strategy class where we will be visiting numerous institutions including: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development,, Clownfish Marketing, Transportation for London, Belgacom, EU Parliament and Brewers of Europe. As well as visits to London's East End, Spamalot at the Palace Theater, The Tate Modern, and other sight seeing. We return to Copenhagen on the 18th of October and then I leave on the 19th of October for a week long trip to Russia. We will be visiting the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In Moscow we will be paired up with Russian students to cook dinner and discuss current Russian issues with. I will be arriving back in Copenhagen on the 25th of October where Matt (my brother) will be waiting in the airport and our Eastern European Adventure will commence! We will be traveling to Berlin, Prague & Vienna. So, as you can see the next month of my life will be very BUSY! It is weird that I won't be back in class until November 3rd! I will do my best to keep blog updates throughout the next 3 weeks, but no promises! If you need to get in contact with me, email is your best bet, as I will check it periodically.

Oct 12-18: London/Brussels
Oct 19-25: Russia
Oct 25- Nov 2: Berlin/Prague/Vienna with Matt

Oh and one more thing -- I did my civic duty today and VOTED! you should do it too!

*The 2 pictures from the Danish National Bank are taken from their website: